Course curriculum

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    MÓDULO 1 - Presente

    • Presente regular

    • Presente irregular (Parte 1)

    • Presente irregular (Parte 2)

    • PODCAST #1

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    MÓDULO 2 - Pretérito Indefinido vs. Imperfecto

    • Pretérito indefinido

    • Pretérito imperfecto

    • Pretérito indefinido vs. Imperfecto

    • PODCAST #2

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    MÓDULO 3 - Pretérito Perfecto (Compuesto)

    • Pretérito perfecto (compuesto)

    • Pretérito indefinido vs. perfecto

    • Contextos de la vida real + Repaso general

    • PODCAST #3

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    MÓDULO 4: Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto

    • Pretérito pluscuamperfecto

    • Pretérito pluscuamperfecto vs. Indefinido

    • PODCAST #4

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    MÓDULO 5 - Futuro

    • Futuro simple

    • Ir a + infinitivo vs. Futuro simple

    • PODCAST #5

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    MÓDULO 6 - Subjuntivo

    • Introducción al subjuntivo

    • Presente de subjuntivo

    • P. Imperfecto de subjuntivo

    • P. Perfecto de subjuntivo

    • P. Pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo

    • PODCAST #6

    • Give feedback!

    • Muchas gracias :)

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Enroll now and have instant access to Master Spanish Verbs.

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Verb tenses included:

  • Presente (regular and irregular)

  • Pretérito Indefinido vs. Imperfecto

  • Pretérito Perfecto

  • Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto

  • Futuro

  • Presente de subjuntivo

  • Pretérito imperfecto de subjuntivo

  • Pretérito perfecto de subjuntivo

  • Pretérito pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo

  • Condicional

The course includes 6 PODCASTS in Spanish, to revise each module!

Enroll now!

This is your chance to Master Spanish Verbs and enjoy the premium content of Spanish Gitana at an affordable price :)


  • Will I have lifetime access to the course?


  • Who is this course for?

    For anybody who struggles with the Spanish verb tenses

  • Is the subjuntive included?

    Yes. It includes an introduction to the subjunctive and detailed lessons on the present, imperfecto, perfecto and pluscuamperfecto.

  • Is it beginner friendly?

    Yes, all types of students are welcome. We start from the very basics (present tense) and finish with the more complicated aspects of the verb tenses, the subjunctive.